Hamina cycling route
Bike friendly
How many directions can you go biking from Hamina Town Hall? Explore the historic fortress town from the saddle of a bicycle.
The Hamina cycle route is 16 km long. At Café Huovila or one of the many other refuelling points in town, you can get a sweet and savoury treat to go. And if you feel like you’re going round in circles, you may as well be, especially if you’re on the street Pikkuympyräkatu.
This route has a variety of lanes and in good condition throughout, which means that you can also cycle on a city bike. You can start from any point along the route. The starting and finishing point is Hamina city centre.
Otherwise, if you are cycling from far away, you can stay overnight in Hamina, for example at a campsite or a spa. Hamina Camping Pitkäthiekat is known for its stunning sandy beach, while Spa Hotel Hamina offers spa services, which are included in the room price. Not a bad choice!
See detailed route information and navigate on OutdoorActive.

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