Pitkäviiri nature marina
60°17.3′ N, 26°37.9′ E
Map series A 614
Harbour code: 187
About two kilometres long, Pitkäviiri is a narrow, sand-bottomed esker island within the area of the Eastern Gulf of Finland National Park, about one nautical mile northeast of Mustaviiri in the municipality of Pyhtää.
The eastern side of the island mostly consists of sandy beaches. This makes Pitkäviiri a popular day trip destination on a beautiful summer day, even though it is not one of the national park’s official camping islands. There are no services on the island.
The best way to get to the island by keelboat is to head to the rocky shore rising out of the water in the western corner of the southern end of the island, where the bow can be steered within stepping distance from land with the help of the boat’s stern anchor. The depth of water there is about three or four metres. Those arriving in a smaller boat can also go to the west and east shores in the central part of the island and use the stern anchor.
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