Pyhtää Kaunissaari Service Marina

The gem of the Eastern Gulf of Finland, Kaunissaari, an island with a fishing village, is in the outer archipelago of the municipality of Pyhtää, about ten nautical miles southwest of Kotka.

Coordinates60°20.7’ N, 26°46.5’ E
Map series
A 611, 612
Harbour code:

Location: Renovation work has been carried out during spring 2022 in the guest harbour, which is at the southern end of the island and protected by a breakwater. By summer 2022, the guest harbour will have a total of 72 boat berths on four piers. The map of the harbour is attached.

Boat berths and fees: Day visit max. 4 hours €10. Overnight stay: Piers A and D €25 per night, piers B and C €30 per night. You can book a berth for your boat in advance online at or make an electronic payment upon arrival. 

Services on the island: The idyllic fishing village nestled near the guest harbour in Kylänlahti has a shop, Café Merituuli, Restaurant Kaunissaaren Maja (tel. +358 10 832 3510,, a sales point for smoked fish, an archipelago museum and an art gallery. If you need to take a break from sleeping on the boat, different types of accommodation are available in the village and elsewhere on the island. The best sandy beaches can be found at the northern end of the island, about 3 kilometres from the village. Read more about Kaunissaari from the link below.