Embark on an unforgettable journey to the enigmatic Rankki military island, nestled within the Kotka archipelago. Once a crucial part of Russia’s sea fortress defense line shielding St. Petersburg, Rankki brims with history dating back to 1916, when it housed heavy coastal cannons and Russian army barracks. Following Finland’s independence in 1917, Rankki became an integral part of Finnish defense, a testament to its enduring significance.
After a century off-limits to civilians, Rankki now welcomes visitors to delve into its storied past. Explore the exhibition showcasing massive coastal cannons, remnants of old Russian army barracks, and coastal artillery utilized in both World Wars. Not only steeped in military history, Rankki offers idyllic shores perfect for picnics and breathtaking views of the Kotka archipelago’s natural splendor.
Amidst this historic landscape stands the iconic Sotku military restaurant, a relic of Rankki’s past still bustling with life. Whether immersing yourself in history or simply reveling in the beauty of nature, Rankki promises an enriching and unforgettable experience for all who venture to its shores.
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