Explore the Finnish Wooden Boat Heritage at the Finnish Wooden Boat Center in Kotka
“The gems of the boat exhibition in the entrance hall include the large motor boat Helga, completed in 2019 by the Finnish Wooden Boat Center, and old classics such as a 6mR racing yacht,” says boatwright and shipyard master Taneli Hakkarainen.
The boatyard is currently building new motorboats and restoring an old boat.
“These old boats have fascinating stories. In many cases, they might be a hundred years old and have survived years of war and changes of power. You can ask us boatwrights to tell you more about the boats,” Hakkarainen says.
Built in 1937, the 21.5-metre-long Blue Marlin yacht takes up the lion’s share of the indoor boatyard. “Blue Marlin’s almost legendary history is linked to both a love story and echoes of World War II. A book about Blue Marlin is available for browsing at the Wooden Boat Center,” says Hakkarainen.

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